Stockton Ministries


Used by God

“I want to be used by God!” If you are a believer, you have probably made this statement. While the motive and intent is good, it often leads to faulty theology. In this conversation, Gina and Zach Neese explore the dangers of falling into a works based understanding of our relationship with Jesus. Click below

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When Church Hurts

Are you disillusioned by the Church? Have the actions or inactions by church leadership, or other Christians cause hurt, confusion and pain? In this honest conversation Gina and Loisa Matthys talk about the journey of hurt and bitterness. How Jesus can meet us there if we let Him, and the road to healing and restoration.

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God Gets Personal

God gets personal in healing our pain. In this final installment of the conversation “When Church Hurts”, Loisa shares how God will meet with each of us uniquely, even in the midst of our pain and questions. Click below to listen starting at 42:16 to follow along.  Gina: Somewhat unrelated, but a demonstration of what

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Prayer for Brokenness

Here is a prayer for brokenness. This devotional is designed to create space for the Holy Spirit to reveal “brokenness”. The brokenness around us and in us, and to lead us into a prayer for restoration and transformation. This is not restoration or transformation born out of our own strength…this is an act of positioning

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